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Oleander Business Park Project

NOA for the Oleander Business Park EIR (CEQ No. 190038)

Notice of Availability for Final Environmental Impact Report

The Final EIR is available for review via the links to the documents provided below and hard copies of the Final EIR will be available upon opening of the County offices to the public at 4080 Lemon Street, 12th Fl., Riverside, California, 92501. If you are unable to download or otherwise access these documents from the website, please contact Tim Wheeler via email or phone to arrange and alternate means of receiving the documents.

Contact Information

Tim Wheeler, Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA  92501
(951) 955-6060

[email protected] 

Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Document

Final EIR Document (PDF)

Notice of Availability

A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (Draft EIR) for Plot Plan No. 1900011 (PPT190011) (Project), as described below, has been completed and is now available for public review. The Draft EIR evaluated the potentially significant adverse environmental impacts that would be associated with the Project and identifies Project components, mitigation measures, and Project alternatives that would avoid, reduce, or eliminate significant impacts. The Draft EIR does not set forth County policy concerning the proposed Project’s desirability. Rather, it is an informational document to be used by decision-makers, public agencies, and the public. As noted above, the County of Riverside Planning Department will serve as the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and will coordinate the public review of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

Project Information

PROJECT SUMMARYThe action evaluated by the Draft EIR is Plot Plan No. 1900011 (PPT190011) or The Oleander Business Park Project (Project) proposes construction and operation of approximately 710,736 square feet of warehouse/manufacturing uses within an approximately 93.85-acre site (gross), located within the Mead Valley area of Riverside County. As part of the Project, Parcel Map 5128 (Parcel Map Book [P.M.B.] 8/54) comprising 4 parcels, would be reconfigured via Riverside County Lot Line Adjustment procedures. Project Parcel 1 (approximately 20.90 acres) would be developed with approximately 363,367 square feet of warehouse/manufacturing uses. Project Parcel 2 (approximately 19.59 acres) would be developed with approximately 347,369 square feet of warehouse/manufacturing uses. Project Parcels 3 and 4, totaling approximately 53.36 acres would remain vacant. The Project is anticipated to be constructed and occupied by 2021 (the Project Opening Year). The Project is assumed to be operational 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. At the time this analysis was prepared, specific Project tenants have not yet been identified. Cold storage uses are not anticipated as part of the Project.

This EIR evaluates likely maximum impacts associated with all Project actions and operations including, but not limited to, construction of the Project buildings and supporting on-site facilities and amenities; construction and operation of supporting roadways; construction and operation of supporting utilities and service systems; and construction and operation of supporting infrastructure distribution and conveyance lines. Should future development proposals for the Project site differ substantively from the development concept analyzed herein, the Lead Agency may require additional environmental analyses.

The County has determined that the proposed Project will have the following potentially significant environmental impacts as a result of development associated with the Project: Implementation of the Project, as proposed, would result in impacts to air quality and greenhouse gas emissions, which are determined to be significant and unavoidable. These impacts are discussed in detail in the body of the EIR. All other potential environmental effects of the Project are determined to be less than significant as substantiated within the EIR and appended Initial Study, or are reduced below levels of significance with application of mitigation measures identified in the EIR.

As indicated in the Initial Study appended to the EIR, based on information compiled by the Department of Toxic Substance Control, the Project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. The Project will not result in or cause any impacts in this regard.

Public Review Period: The County of Riverside is the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and is holding a Draft EIR public review period, during which time the public and interested parties are invited to comment on the Draft EIR for the proposed Project. Comments on the analysis’ adequacy and the Project’s appropriateness may be made in writing, indicating the issue/section of concern. Comments may include additional or alternative mitigation measures to those proposed in the document. The Project name and number should be noted on all correspondence and the comments should indicate if you would like to be notified of public hearings. At this time, public hearings have not yet been scheduled.

Please note that the public comment period for Draft EIR No. 190038 (CEQ190038) is September 15, 2020 to October 30, 2020. All comments must be submitted in writing to Mr. Tim Wheeler, Project Manager, at the address indicated below, and must be received no later than 5:00 pm on October 30, 2020. Comments received late (after October 30, 2020), pursuant to state law, may not be considered.

PROJECT LOCATIONThe Project site is located within the Mead Valley area of the County of Riverside. More specifically, the Project site is located west of Decker Road, between Nandina Avenue and Oleander Avenue. Interstate 215 (I-215) exists in a north – south orientation approximately one-half mile easterly of the Project site. Assessor Parcel Numbers that comprise the Project site include: 295-310-012, -013, -014, and -015.

Draft EIR Documents


Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)

Appendix A - Initial Study, NOP, NOP Comments
Appendix B - Transportation Analyses
Appendix C - Air Quality Impact Analyses
Appendix D - Greenhouse Gas Analysis
Appendix E - Noise Impact Analysis
Appendix F - Phase I Arch Report  (Confidential) - Please contact project planner
Appendix G - Geotechnical Investigation
Appendix H - Stormwater Management
Appendix I - WSA
Appendix J - Biological Resources Assessment
Appendix K - Energy Consumption
Appendix L - AB 52 Correspondence

Contact Information

All comments should be written and directed to either the U.S. mail address or the email address, below:

Tim Wheeler - Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA  92501

(951) 955-6060