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PPT220036 - Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration


This notice is to advise that the County of Riverside, as lead agency, has completed and is issuing notification of the availability and completion of a Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), State Clearinghouse No. 2023120343 for Plot Plan No. 220036, as described below:



The 30- day Public Review Period to comment on the draft-final MND begins on begins on Friday, December 15th, 2023, and ends on Monday, January 15, 2024.  Any person wishing to comment on the environmental document must submit their comments in writing either by mail or email only to the information below between the date of this notice and expiration of the Public Review Period by 5:00 PM (close of business).  All comments (via correspondence) and materials received prior to the date of the Project’s public hearing will be submitted to the Planning Director for consideration.

Submit Comments by Mail:


Riverside County Planning Department

Attention: Krista Mason, Project Planner

PO Box 1409, Riverside, CA 992501-1409


Submit Comments by Email:


Krista Mason, Project Planner

[email protected]



Plot Plan (PPT) No. 220036

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Plot Plan No. 220036 is a proposal for the construction of a 201,844 sq ft warehouse building including 8,000 sq. ft. of office space.  The project site will include 24 loading dock doors, and a total of 129 parking spaces for passengers on a site that consists of an existing 64,190 square foot building that will remain. As proposed access to the project site would be from two (2) existing driveways at Temescal Canyon Road.


Cumulative effects that would result from implementation of the Project have been evaluated throughout the MND, which concludes that such impacts would not occur, would be less than significant, or would be reduced to below a level of significance with the incorporation of mitigation measures identified herein and included in the Project’s conditions of approval.  Analysis of the Project determined that there were potentially significant impacts related to Biological and Paleontological Resources. 

Biological Resources: Due to the Project site’s adjacency to lands conserved under the Western Riverside County MSHCP, or with potential to be conserved under the MSHCP, the Project’s construction activities have the potential to cause indirect impacts to sensitive wildlife species in adjacent MSHCP Conservation Areas.  But has been determined to be reduced to a less than significant impact with the implementation of mitigation measures.


Paleontological Resources: Although the site has been previously mined and reclaimed, there is a remote potential that fossil resources could be encountered during ground-disturbing construction activities.  Potential impacts would be reduced to below a level of significance with the incorporation of mitigation measures.  



Notification of the date, time, and place of future public hearings will be provided in compliance with County and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements.



The proposed Project site is located at 22740 Temescal Canyon Road within the Temescal Valley community of unincorporated Riverside County, California. The Project site encompasses Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 283-110-068 and 283-110-069.


Krista Mason

Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor
Riverside, CA  92501


Phone: (951) 955-1722

Email: [email protected]