The proposed Project consists of applications for SP00342, GPA00720, GPA00721, and CZ07055. Approval of these applications would allow for development of the 2,883-acre subject property with a maximum of 8,725 dwelling units and 1,380,000 square feet of commercial uses based on Alternative 7 of the Specific Plan. The residential land use designations would include Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential with densities between 2 to 14 dwelling units per acre. A Mixed Use land use designation would allow for 8 to 40 dwelling units per acre or commercial development. The Specific Plan also includes areas with land use designations of Commercial Office, Agriculture, Public Facility, Conservation Habitat, Recreation, and Water. The Conservation Habitat area includes 1,106 acres of areas to be conserved as natural open space. The Recreation area totals 80 acres and the Public Facility totals 114 acres for 3 future school sites.
GPA00720 is a proposal for a Technical Amendment, an Extraordinary Foundation Component Amendment, an Agriculture Foundation Component Amendment, and an Entitlement/Policy Amendment. The Technical Amendment is a proposal to address errors related to the mapping for certain current land use designations in the project area to reflect actual topography. The Extraordinary Foundation Component Amendment is a proposal to change the underlying Foundation of the project site from Rural, Rural Community, and Open Space to Community Development. The Agriculture Foundation Component Amendment is a proposal to amend the Foundation Component from Agriculture to Community Development. The Entitlement/Policy Amendment would modify the specific land use designations from Rural Mountainous, Rural Residential, Very Low Density Residential, Low Density Residential, Commercial Retail, Light Industrial, and Highest Density Residential to land use designations that reflect the Specific Plan land use plan.
GPA00721 is a proposal for modifications to the Circulation Element of the General Plan that includes upgrading and downgrading of numerous existing and proposed roadway classifications and trails shown in the circulation plan for the Lakeview/Nuevo Area Plan. The changes include, but are not limited to the following: elimination of 9th Street/Yucca Avenue as a through street from the project’s easterly boundary; rerouting 10th Street/Wolfskill Avenue as a Secondary roadway east of Hansen Avenue; elimination of Bridge Street, 3rd Street, 5th Street, and 6th Street within the Specific Plan boundaries as access to Ramona Expressway an shift access to Town Center and Park Center Boulevards; modifications to standard County roadway cross sections for roads within the Specific Plan; modifications to the current trail alignments within the Specific Plan, including a 10-12 foot Multi-Purpose Community Trail that would allow for horses along the north side of the project and connecting to the Combination trail along the San Jacinto River and to Ramona Expressway and implementation of a Community Trail (restricted use) above the portion of the California Aqueduct that extend east to west through the Specific Plan Area. In addition, the proposed Project will amend the General Plan Circulation Element Policy C 2.1 to clarify the County’s authority to approve this Project given the County’s “Level of Service” targets for traffic circulation.
CZ07055 is a proposal to change the zoning classification of the subject site from a mix of Light Agriculture, 10-acre minimum (A-1-10), Heavy Agriculture, 10-acre minimum (A-2-10), Light Agriculture with Poultry (A-P), Scenic Highway Commercial (C-P-S), Rural Commercial (C-R), Manufacturing – Service Commercial (M-SC), Residential Agricultural, 1-acre minimum (R-A-1), Residential Agricultural, 10-acre minimum (R-A-10), Residential Agricultural, 2 ½-acre minimum (R-A-2 ½), Rural Residential (R-R), One-Family Dwellings (R-1), Highest Density Residential (R-7), and Natural Assets, 640-acre minimum (N-A-640) to Specific Plan (SP) and adopt a Specific Plan zoning ordinance to establish the permitted uses and development standards for the Specific Plan Planning Areas.
Project Location
The overall project is generally located on either side of Ramona Expressway, east of Martin Street, west of Princess Ann Road, south of Marvin Road, and north of Brown Avenue.
Environmental Review
NOP for a Recirculated Draft EIR for the Villages of Lakeview Specific Plan
A Notice of Preparation (NOP) for a Recirculated Environmental Impact Report for the Villages of Lakeview Specific Plan which includes Specific Plan No. 342, General Plan Amendment No. 720, General Plan Amendment No. 721, and Change of Zone No. 7055.
Public Review Period
The comment period for the Notice of Preparation is from February 15, 2024 through March 15, 2024.
Pursuant to CEQA Section 15063(a) when an EIR is clearly required for a project an initial study is not required. As such, an initial study was not prepared prior to this NOP.
Any comments for the NOP should be addressed to Russell Brady at the address and/or email address below. If there are any questions please call or email.
Coming Soon
Specific Plan No. SP00342
General Plan Amendment No.: GPA00720
General Plan Amendment No.: GPA00721
Change of Zone No.: CZ07055
Russell Brady, Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 955-3025
[email protected]