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    Change of Zone No. CZ2000001 is an amendment to Ordinance No. 348, Ordinance of the County of Riverside Providing for Land Use Planning and Zoning Regulations and Related Functions, Article XIX Advertising Regulations, Sections 19.2, through 19.5 regarding On-Site Advertising Structures and Signs, technical changes, and language clarifications. Change of Zone No. CZ2000001 will establish locations, development and operation standards, and a permitting process to allow for on-site digital signage. The intent of the digital signage is to provide information about onsite businesses only and is not for general advertising. Technical changes and language clarifications include the adjustment of formatting for defined terms, and the categorization or reorganization of text sections which do not change the intent or existing requirements within existing language. 

    Project Location

    Unincorporated Riverside County

    Comments & Feedback?

    Submit Comments via the methods below.

    Riverside County Planning Department
    Attn: Richard Marshalian, Project Planner
    PO BOX 1409, Riverside, CA 92501-1409

    Richard Marshalian, Project Planner
    [email protected]

    Meet with a planner to discuss aspects of the project, share comments, or give feedback!



    Change of Zone No. CZ2000001 

    Richard Marshalian, Principal Planner
    Riverside County Planning Department
    4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA  92501
    (951) 955-2525
    [email protected]