The County of Riverside, as lead agency and in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has determined that project General Plan Amendment No. 220003, Change of Zone No. 2200003, Tentative Parcel Map No. 38337 and Plot Plan No. 220004 (for the scope of work detailed below) may have a significant effect on the environment and accordingly that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared. This notice is to advise that the EIR will be prepared and that an associated “scoping meeting” has been scheduled on Monday, January 9 at 1:30 PM (or as soon as possible thereafter) for purpose of providing information about the Project, and to solicit input regarding the scope of information to be analyzed in the draft document. The scoping meeting will be held at the County of Riverside Administrative Center located at 4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501.
Comment Period |
Pursuant to requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), agencies, surrounding property owners and the interested public shall have 30 days to provide comment on this Notice of Preparation (NOP), from December 6, 2022 until January 5, 2023 at close of business. All comments on the NOP must be received in writing, sent to Riverside County Planning Department, Attention: Evan Langan (Principal Planner) at 4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501, or sent via email to [email protected] The public may also attend the scoping meeting scheduled for Monday, January 9 at 1:30 PM (or as soon as possible thereafter) and provide verbal comment to the same effect. The scoping meeting will be held at the County of Riverside Administrative Center located at 4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501.
Project Information |
PROJECT CASE NO’s. / TITLE: “Rider and Patterson Business Center” – General Plan Amendment No. 220003 (GPA220003), Change of Zone No. 2200003 (CZ2200003), Tentative Parcel Map No. 38337 (TPM38337), and Plot Plan No. 220004 (PPT220004)
PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION: The proposed Project consists of applications for a General Plan Amendment, Change of Zone, Tentative Parcel Map and a Plot Plan Permit for proposed development on seven lots comprising ±40.88-acres.
GPA220003 is a request to change the General Plan land use designation of ±36.0 acres of the project site from “Community Development – Medium Density Residential (CD-MDR)” to “Community Development – Light Industrial (LI).”
CZ2200003 is a request to change the zoning classification of ±36.0 acres of the property from “One-Family Dwellings (R-1),” “Light Agriculture (A-1-1),” and “Rural Residential (R-R-1)” to “Industrial Park (I-P).”
TPM38337 is a request to consolidate the existing eight parcels into one ±36.0-acre parcel (Parcel 1), three residential parcels (Lot A (±1.16 acres), Lot C (±0.21 acres), and Lot E (±0.23 acres), and two parcels to accommodate roadway cul-de-sacs (Lot B [±0.23 acres]; Wildwood Lane) and Lot D (± 0.20 acres; Sunny Canyon Street)). The remaining site acreage (±2.85 acres) would be dedicated to the County for public road improvements along the Project site’s frontages with Rider Street, Patterson Avenue, and Walnut Street.
PPT220004 is a request to allow construction of a new, 591,203 square-foot shell building to include 7,300 square-feet of ground floor office space, 7,300 square-feet of mezzanine office space, and 576,603 square-feet of warehouse space. A total of 84 truck docking doors are proposed, positioned on the northern and southern sides of the building. Approximately 6.0-acres along the Project site’s western boundary would consist of a landscaped berm intended to provide a buffer between the proposed warehouse building and an adjacent residential community. Frontage improvements are proposed along Patterson Avenue, Walnut Street, and Rider Street, including drainage infrastructure, sidewalks and community trails.
PROJECT LOCATION: Seven lots located at the southwest corner of Rider Street and Patterson Avenue in the Mead Valley community of unincorporated Riverside County.
Project Contact Information |
Evan Langan, AICP, Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 955-3024
[email protected]
Documents |