Specific Plan No. 265, Substantial Conformance No. 3 is a proposal to incorporate changes to the Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance to add a carwash as a permitted use with approval of a Plot Plan within Planning Area 3 of Specific Plan No. 265 (Borel Airpark Center). Change of Zone No. 2000034 is a proposal to modify the Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance for Specific Plan No. 265 to add a carwash as a permitted use with approval of a Plot Plan within Planning Area 3 of Specific Plan No. 265. Plot Plan No. 200033 is a proposal to construct on approximately 2.24 net acres a 5,215 sq. ft. automated drive-thru car wash with 18 vacuum parking stalls, a 2,535 sq. ft. drive-thru restaurant with indoor dining, and a 729-sq. ft. drive-thru restaurant with outdoor dining only. Total shared parking proposed for this development is 53 parking spaces, including the 18 vacuum stalls, three (3) ADA parking spaces, four (4) EV parking spaces, and loading spaces for the restaurants. The project also includes landscaping, trash enclosures, and stormwater retention chambers throughout the development
Project Location
North of Auld Road and the French Valley Airport, east of Temeku Court, west of Leon Road, and south of Benton Road – 2.24 Net Acres – Specific Plan-Borel Airpark Center #265, Planning Area No. 3 (SP265-PA3, M-SC zone)
Notice of Public Hearing and Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Declaration
Mitigated Negative Declaration
Plot Plan No. PPT200033
Change of Zone No. CZ2000034
Specific Plan No. 265 - Substantial Conformance No. 3
Tim Wheeler, Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 955-6060
[email protected]