Development Review Flowcharts
What are these flowcharts?
The Planning Department has created a series of flowcharts that graphically outline the development review process. These are provided to help the public more easily understand the flow of work undertaken with different types of land use applications.
Please see below for information on and links to the different types of flowcharts.
HANS / Planning Flowchart
HANS stands for Habitat Acquisition and Negotiation Strategy. HANS applications are processed through the Environmental Programs Department.
Entire Application Intake & Entitlement Process Flowchart
This link will bring up the entire flowchart. The links following this section break down each portion of this larger flowchart into more detail.
Public Information / Case Intake Flowchart
This flowchart briefly outlines the initial public information process and application intake process. This flowchart outlines the initial HANS process.
Minor Permit Review Flowchart
Minor Permits include the following (not all are listed):
- Certificate of Compliance (COC)
- Lot Line Adjustment (LLA)
- Unit Phasing Maps (UPH)
- Large Family Daycare
- Temporary Use Permit
- Cond. Certificate of Compliance
- Setback Adjustment
- Crowing Fowl Permits
- Signs (on/off site)
- Seasonal Sales (Xmas Tree Lots)
- Parcel Merger
- Second Unit Permit
- Kennel / Cattery
- Temp. Outdoor Event
- see flowchart for others
Entitlement Process I Flowchart
Entitlement Process I is for the following case types:
- Parcel Maps
- Minor Conditional Use Permits
- Major Plot Plans
- Minor Public Use Permits
- Minor Surface Mine Permits
- Variances
Entitlement Process II Flowchart
Entitlement Process II is for the following case types:
- Specific Plan Amendments (<500 lots)
- Major Surface Mine Permits
- Change of Zones
- Projects within Community Centers
- Major Public Use Permits
- General Plan Amendments
- Subdivision Tract Maps
- Major Conditional Use Permits
Entitlement Process III Flowchart
Entitlement Process III is for the following case types:
- Specific Plans
- Specific Plan Amendments (<500 lots)
- Major Projects within Community Centers
- Requests requiring Charrettes
Building & Grading Permit Process Flowchart
This flowchart outlines the building permit and grading permit process.