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Stoneridge Commerce Center

    The Project includes two separate land use plans for the 582.9-acre Project site. The “Primary Land Use Plan” anticipates that the Project would be constructed with Ramona Expressway providing primary access from the north and Nuevo Road providing access from the south, and that the site would be developed with up to 389.2 acres of Light Industrial land uses, 49.1 acres of Business Park land uses, 8.0 acres of Commercial Retail land uses, Open Space – Conservation on 17.4 acres, Open Space – Conservation Habitat on 81.6 acres, and major roadways on 37.6 acres. However, the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) is currently planning the construction of a regional transportation facility, the “Mid-County Parkway (MCP),” a segment of which, along with an interchange, is planned to traverse the northwestern portions of the Project site. The MCP is a long-range transportation improvement by RCTC; however, the RCTC has not secured or identified funding for the segment of the MCP which traverses the Project area, and therefore the timing of this segment of the MCP and the associated interchange is unknown at this time. In addition, and due to environmental, economic, right of way, or other factors, it is possible that RCTC ultimately may not construct the MCP in this portion of Riverside County. Notwithstanding, the “Alternative Land Use Plan” anticipates that the MCP would be constructed through the northwest portions of the site, in which case the site would be developed with 389.2 acres of Light Industrial land uses, 51.5 acres of Business Park land uses, 8.5 acres of Commercial Retail land uses, 17.4 acres of Open Space – Conservation, 81.6 acres of Open Space – Conservation Habitat, and 34.7 acres of major roadways. Thus, in order to accommodate both the potential for the future construction of the MCP while also providing for development of the site in the event the MCP is not constructed as currently planned by RCTC, the two land use concepts will be evaluated for the site throughout the EIR at an equal level of detail. 

    The governmental approvals requested by the Project Applicant from Riverside County to implement the Project consist of the following:

    1.  Adoption by resolution of a General Plan Amendment (GPA190008)
    2.  Adoption of Amendment No. 1 to Specific Plan No. 239 (SP00239A01)
    3.  Adoption by ordinance of a Change of Zone (CZ1900024).

    Project Location

    The overall project is located south of Ramona Expressway, north of Nuevo Road, east of Foothill Drive, and west of the future extension of Menifee Road. Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) 307-070-003, 307-080-(005, 006, 008), 307-090-(001, 002, 004, 005, 006), 307-100-(001, 003, 004, 005), 307-110-(003, 007, 008), 307-220-001, and 307-230-(019, 020).


    To be determined.

    Specific Plan No. 239 Amendment No. 1 (SP00239A01)
    General Plan Amendment No. 190008 (GPA190008)
    Change of Zone No. 1900024 (CZ1900024)

    Russell Brady, Project Planner
    Riverside County Planning Department
    4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA  92501
    (951) 955-3025
    [email protected]