Notice of Availability for Final Environmental Impact Report |
The Final EIR is available for review via the links to the documents provided below and hardcopies of the Final EIR will be available upon opening of the County offices to the public at 4080 Lemon Street, 12th Fl., Riverside, California, 92501. If you are unable to download or otherwise access these documents from the website, please contact Russell Brady via email or phone to arrange and alternate means of receiving the documents.
Contact Information |
Russell Brady, Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 955-3025
[email protected]
Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Document |
Notice of Completion (NOC) for an Environmental Impact Report for the Barker Logistics project which includes Plot Plan No. 190008 (PPT190008) SCH#2019090706
Comment Period |
The comment period for the Notice of Completion is from June 10, 2020 to July 24, 2020.
Project Information |
PROJECT SUMMARY: The County of Riverside Planning Department will serve as the Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and will coordinate the public review of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that will evaluate the potential significant environmental impacts that may result from the proposed project.
Barker Logistics, LLC (project proponent) is proposing to process the above referenced entitlement actions through Riverside County which proposes a 699,630 square foot warehouse/logistics building on a 31.55 acre property
PROJECT LOCATION: The Project is located in the Mead Valley area of Riverside County, California located north of Placentia Street, east of Patterson Avenue, west of Harvill Avenue, and south of Rider Street and Walnut Street.
Contact Information |
Russell Brady, Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 955-3025
[email protected]
Draft Environmental Impact Report Documents |
Draft Environmental Impact Report Technical Appencides |
Appendix A - Barker NOP IS
Appendix B - NOP Comments
Appendix C - MMRP
Appendix D - AQIA
Appendix E - GHGA
Appendix F - Noise
Appendix G - Energy
Appendix H - TIA
Appendix H - TIA Appendices
Appendix I - Hydrology
Appendix J - Phase I and II Env Site Assessment
Appendix K - General Plan Consistency
Appendix L - Burrowing Owl Survey
Appendix M - Cultural Report (Confidential, please contact Valentina Lopez at (951) 955-8632
Appendix N - Geotech
Appendix O - HRA Report
Appendix P - MSHCP
Appendix Q - Paleo
Appendix R - WSA
Appendix S - Knox Business Park Final EIR
Appendix T - ALUC Review
Appendix U - WQMP
Notice of Preparation (NOP) for an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Plot Plan No. 190008 (PPT190008) Barker Logistics
See the following links to access documents related to the NOP:
Comment Period |
The comment period for the Notice of Preparation is from September 20, 2019 to October 29, 2019.
Scoping Session |
A public scoping session will be held to accept comments from responsible agencies and the public about the scope and content of the EIR on Monday October 7, 2019, at 1:30 pm, at 4080 Lemon Street, 1st Floor, Conference Room 2A, Riverside, CA 92501
Project Information |
The Project involves a Plot Plan to allow development of a 694,540- square foot, logistics/warehouse building with a height ranging from 43 feet to a peak of 49.5 feet with paved surface parking for 382 automobiles and 86 trucks/truck trailers on a 30.19-acre property. The building dimensions are 43 feet to a peak of 49.5 feet in height, 1,098 feet long, and 720 feet at its widest. It is 600 feet from dock doors on the west to the dock doors on the east of the structure. The automobile parking spaces are to be located around the perimeter of the building; 109 truck/truck trailer bays will be located on the east and west elevations of the building. Three vehicular access points are proposed – two onto the Project site from an extension of Walnut Street that would border the Project site to the north and one onto the Project site from Placentia Avenue in the southeast corner of the Project site. Additional project details are included within the initial study prepared for the NOP.
The proposed project is located north of Placentia Avenue, east of Patterson Avenue, west of Harvill Avenue, and south of Walnut Street.
Contact Information |
Russell Brady, Contract Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 955-3025
[email protected]