Any application for the issuance of a grading permit for a single family home or a mobile home on an existing legal lot within the Criteria Area shall be subject to review against the MSHCP Conservation Criteria.
The Expedited Review Process (ERP) has been developed to assist in determining the appropriate location of a building footprint area and any necessary access roads on the least sensitive portion of the lot for a single family home or mobile home within the Criteria Area. Habitat assessments for certain species may be required in order to assist in determining the most appropriate location for the building footprint area.
If it is determined that all or part of the property may benefit assembly of the MSHCP Conservation Area, the EPD may negotiate with the property owner to acquire the entire lot or portion of the property or determine which incentives may apply in order to acquire a conservation easement over that portion of the property outside of the building footprint area.
ERP Application
ERP Site Plan Example
What is the MSHCP?
The MSHCP is one portion of a three-part planning effort called the Riverside County Integrated Project (RCIP) designed to simultaneously outline environmental, transportation, housing, and development guidelines for our growing region.
The MSHCP conserves habitat for sensitive plants and animals. It protects 146 species and creates a system of reserves covering over 500,000 acres in Western Riverside County.
Setting aside habitat today will enable us to efficiently plan for future roads, houses, schools, and parks while simultaneously protecting our natural environment.
What is a Criteria Cell?
A Criteria Cell is a land area (approximately 160 acres) that has been identified as an area that potentially contains sensitive habitat and wildlife necessary to MSHCP reserve design.
How do I know if I am in a Criteria Cell?
Please go to the Conservation Report Generator located here.
What is the purpose of the "No Disturbance Area"?
The "No Disturbance Area" is designed to preserve biological resources that contribute to the MSHCP.
What if I want to develop my property (i.e., parcel map) in the future?
Should you decide you would like to further develop your property through a parcel map or plot plan for example, a HANS application will be required. The ERP does not relieve the owner from complying with the MSHCP with regard to further development of the property.
What if I already have a home on my property?
If you own residential property with a home, residential or mobile, and do not plan on obtaining a permit, then ERP does not apply to you.
How long does the process take?
The initial review period will be up to 45 days. Once a determination has been made by the EPD it is mailed to the property owner/owner's representative.
What if I disagree with the ERP determination?
A waiver is provided with the ERP determination letter. Return the waiver to the EPD to extend the review period. EPD personnel will contact the property owner/owner's representative to discuss questions or concerns with the ERP determination. You may also notify the EPD by phone or fax; however, an original "wet-signed" signature waiver must be received.
When does the ERP determination become final?
The ERP determination becomes final 10 days after the ERP determination letter has been sent out.
How long does the determination last?
The ERP determination will last in perpetuity and stays with the property, unless a HANS application is processed.
What if suitable habitat is found for a plant or animal listed on the Conservation Report Summary?
If the EPD has determined that suitable habitat is present for a sensitive species, the suitable habitat will be included in the "No Disturbance Area". Should the "No Disturbance Area" encroach into the building footprint, then focused surveys for the species would be required. It is the property owner's responsibility to hire a biological consultant who holds a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the County of Riverside to conduct the necessary surveys.
- Fill out the ERP Application, including signatures from the property owner and the project applicant, if different people
- Navigate to the Riverside County Public Land Use System (PLUS Online)
- Register an account with PLUS Online, if you have not already
- Select 'Apply'
- Select the 'Plans' tab at the top
- Click 'Apply' in the row which states 'General Planning Department Application'
From here, follow the on screen steps and attach the ERP Application, Site Plan, and Photographs of the Proposed Project Site. Following submittal you will be provided with an OAPL number.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions regarding use of PLUS Online.