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Thermal Ranch Specific Plan

    The proposed project consists of applications for an Agricultural Foundation General Plan Amendment (GPA No. 230001), Change of Zone (CZ2300003), Tentative Tract Map (TTM38578), and Plot Plans (PPT230005, PPT230006, PPT2400016). The applications seek to establish a Specific Plan on a 619.1 acre area that consists of 223.1 acres for Equestrian Center, 194.3 acres of Very Low Density Residential, 69.5 acres of Medium High Density Residential, 18.3 acres of High Density Residential, 77.2 acres of Commercial Tourist, and 21.4 acres of Commercial Retail. 

    Overall the Specific Plan proposes a total maximum of 1,362 dwelling units, 320 RV spaces, and 285,000 sq. ft. of commercial building area. The Specific Plan is oriented around an equestrian center with supporting and ancillary residential and commercial uses. The General Plan Amendment is a proposal to establish the Specific Plan within the General Plan and modify the land use designations of the General Plan to match those as proposed by the Specific Plan (SP00401). 

    The Change of Zone is a proposal to rezone the properties involved from Heavy Agriculture, 10 acre minimum (A-2-10) and Controlled Development Areas (W-2) to Specific Plan, create the zoning ordinance of the Specific Plan, and define the Planning Area boundaries of the Specific Plan. The Tentative Tract Map is a proposal for a Schedule A subdivision to subdivide the entire 619.1 gross acre site into 330 lots, including 1 lot for the Equestrian Center, 2 lots for Horse Park Workforce Housing, 2 lots for commercial purposes, 110 lots for large lot single-family residential, 9 lots for 191 attached condominium units, 161 lots for small lot detached single-family, and 45 lots for various open space lots and I.I.D substation.  

    Plot Plan No. 240016 is a proposal for the development plan for the 191 attached condominium units. Plot Plan No. 230005 is a proposal for Horse Park Workforce Housing on 41.3 acres that includes 500 units and 300 RV parking stalls. Plot Plan No. 230006 is a proposal for the equestrian center on 223.2 acres that includes a total of 615,689 sq. ft. of building area that includes the Grand VIP Barn, 16 Private Barn buildings, 21 Large Barn buildings, 2 Retail buildings, 5 Retail Barn buildings, and 1 Office building. Non-building areas include grass field, riding, and holding areas for horses.


    Project Location

    The 619.1-acre Project Site are located within the Thermal Community within the Eastern Coachella Valley Area Plan (ECVAP). The Project Site is specifically located east of Harrison Street, south of 62nd Avenue, west of Tyler Street, north of 64th Avenue. The Project Site includes Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 51-020-002, 751-020-003, 751-020-006, 751-020-007, 751-020-010 BBID: 874-360-625.


    Comment Period

    The 45-day comment period for the EIR is from November 18, 2024 and ends January 10, 2025 (extended from original January 2, 2025)


    Notice of Completion

    Comment Period

    The 45-day comment period for the EIR is from November 18, 2024 and ends January 10, 2025 (extended from original January 2, 2025)

    Environmental Impact Report

    Draft EIR and Appendices



    Specific Plan No.: 401 (SP00401)

    General Plan Amendment No. 230001: GPA230001
    Change of Zone No. 2300003: CZ2300003
    Tentative Tract Map No. 38578: TTM38578

    Plot Plan No. 230005: PPT230005
    Plot Plan No. 230006: PPT230006
    Plot Plan No. 240016: PPT240016

    Russell Brady, Project Planner

    Riverside County Planning Department
    4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA  92501
    (951) 955-3025
    [email protected]