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Lakeland Village Community Plan

Zoning Consistency Effort
Current Zoning Map
Proposed Zoning Map

Draft Lakeland Village Community Plan Policies:

Draft LVPA Policies

Draft Land Use Maps:

     North Area (4A)
     South Area (4B)

Current Elsinore Area Plan (without maps)


GPA 1156 Tentative Approval (December 2016)

GPA 1156 Adoption As Part of 2017 GPA Cycle 1(April 2017)

Lakeland Village ArcGIS APP



Beginning in late 2014, the County of Riverside initiated General Plan Amendment (GPA) No. 1156, which focused on the Community of Lakeland Village located on the western side of Lake Elsinore along Grand Avenue. GPA No. 1156 removed the Lake Elsinore Environs Policy Area, and created the Lakeland Village Policy Area (LVPA). The LVPA consists of approximately 2,626 acres, and allowed the County to conduct a limited community scale review of the area, including designation of lands as Mixed Use Area (MUA) and the establishment of Gateway areas throughout the corridor. GPA No. 1156 was approved by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors in April of 2017.

Due to the Riverside County General Plan Certainty System, General Plan Land Use Designations are divided into two components- Land Use Foundation Component and Land Use Designation. Each parcel is located in a Land Use Foundation Component, and is also assigned a specific land use designation. Under the Certainty System, a General Plan Foundation Component can only be modified every eight years, when the Foundation Cycle opens. In 2017, the General Plan Foundation Cycle opened, and allowed for initiation of Foundation Component changes. In 2016, the Riverside County Planning Department initiated a Foundation Component General Plan Amendment (GPA No. 1208) to allow for further community level review in the Lakeland Village Policy Area. 


The Project

GPA No. 1208 consists of General Plan Land Use updates within the Lakeland Village Policy Area, including General Plan Foundation Component updates which were not allowed during the GPA No. 1156 process. GPA No. 1208 generally focuses on parcels located within the southern portion of the LVPA and other areas, specifically:

  1. Parcels directly adjacent to Grand Avenue in the Rural Community Foundation Component
  2. Parcels along Lake Elsinore within the mapped County Special Flood Hazard Area to better reflect current floodplain mapping
  3. Parcels within or adjacent to the Rural Mountainous  areas west of Grand Avenue to reflect new topographical mapping data
  4. Limited sites located throughout the LVPA where minor land use modifications are warranted

While the project includes Foundation Component and use designation changes within the GPA No. 1208 boundary, technical changes may also be made in other areas within the LVPA boundary. For the project boundary, which is also the LVPA boundary, refer to Exhibit 1 for GPA No. 1208 (found in to the left). To review the existing Land Use Designations for the site, refer to Exhibit 2, Existing Land Use Designations Map (also found in the Helpful Links to the left), which includes the revisions made by GPA No. 1156.

Beyond land use changes, GPA No. 1208 will also include a review of existing General Plan policies specifically related to the LVPA. Policies will focus on Mixed Use Areas along the Grand Avenue corridor.


Public Hearings

Planning Commission:

June 17, 2020: The Planning Commission recommended approval/adoption of GPA No. 1208 and adoption of the Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration.

Board of Supervisors:

June 30, 2020: The Board of Supervisors will consider tentative approval of GPA No. 1208 and adoption of the Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration.

The agenda, staff report, minutes/record of actions for the public hearing may be obtained on the Clerk of the Board website at least 72 hours before the hearing date.

Notice of Final CEQA Document (IS/MND) for GPA No. 1208
The Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) document is available for review via the link to the document provided below.  This document will be considered at a public hearing before the Riverside County Planning Commission on June 17, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.


GPA No. 1208 consists of General Plan Land Use Designation and policy updates, generally within the Lakeland Village Policy Area (LVPA), including General Plan Foundation Component changes. This amendment proposes to revise the existing LVPA section of the Elsinore Area Plan to update descriptions, revised existing policy, add new policy, and create Neighborhood planning areas with specific policy that, together with proposed land use changes, can provide direction for the orderly development of the Lakeland Village community, which may include appropriate land use, infrastructure, services, design and character. 


The Project Area includes the LVPA boundary, which is specifically located directly southwest of the Lake Elsinore shoreline and is adjacent to the northeast side of the Santa Ana and Elsinore Mountains, along Grand Avenue generally between State Route 74 (SR-74) and Corydon Road.  The Project Area also includes a few select areas just outside the LVPA boundary to the southwest along the mountain slopes, as shown on the attached exhibits.

Richard Marshalian, Principal Planner

Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA  92501
(951) 955-2525

[email protected]

Final Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)

Appendix 1 - Buildout Projection Methodology
Appendix 2 - Proposed LVPA Neighborhoods Policies
Appendix 3 - Traffic Impact Analysis
Appendix 4 - Noise Data


Lakeland Village Outreach

CAC Meeting No. 1: Project Introduction at the Lakeland Village Community Advisory Council - February 22, 2017 (Agenda)

Community Outreach No. 1: Community Input on Lakeland Village Community Plan and Design Guidelines - March 22, 2017

Community Outreach No. 2: Community Input on Land Use, Policy and Zoning - June 21, 2017

CAC Meeting No. 2: Final Draft of the Lakeland Village Community Plan presented to the Lakeland Village Community Advisory Council - August 22, 2017 (Agenda)

Questions: Contact Robert Flores by phone at (951) 955-1195 or by email at [email protected]

ArcGIS Online Application

The project's interactive online ArcGIS application allows you to the view the proposed land use updates for the Lakeland Village Community Plan (GPA No. 1208). This online tool is specifically tailored for this project, so you may look up specific properties by address, if applicable, or Assessors Parcel Number (APN) and review existing details and proposed land use updates for specific parcel(s) included in the project.

Application link: Lakeland Village Community Plan ArcGIS App

Instructions for using the online GIS App:

  1. Click on the above link or copy and paste the following URL to an internet browser:
  2. Locate the Search window (search bar with magnifying glass button) in the top left corner (or zoom to specific parcel on map, click on parcel, and skip to step 5)
  3. Input APN (without dashes) or property address
  4. Select the APN or address from the list that appears or hit the "Enter" key
  5. If a parcel or APN is selected, a parcel information pop-up window appears with existing and proposed details. If an address is selected, the map will zoom to the address and a point will be placed in front of the associated parcel. You can click on a specific parcel, and it will give you further information on the selected parcel.
  6. To add a comment for this parcel, click the ellipsis (three dots) at the bottom of the pop-up window. Click “edit”.  

You can also enter a comment by clicking the edit button in the top-right of the application. This is the fourth button on the toolbar. After clicking the edit button, click on a parcel to enter a comment in the comments fields.

Other Tips:

If you would like to view street names and labels, you can change the basemap by clicking on the basemap gallery button in the top-right of the application. This is the third button on the toolbar. Choose the “Streets” basemap to see street names and labels. To switch to the default imagery, click on the Imagery” basemap.


  1. You may use the mouse wheel, if applicable, to zoom in and out; or
  2. You may use the +/- buttons on the top left corner of the GISApp webpage.

If you have any questions, please contact Robert Flores by phone at (951) 955-1195.

Notice of Availability of CEQA Document (IS/MND) for GPA No. 1208
The Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) document is available for review via the link to the document provided below. Notice was given in the Press Enterprise on May 24th of the intent to adopt the MND for GPA No. 1208 (Click to view Notice of Intent).

Comment Period for Notice of Intent

Comments on the Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration will be accepted from May 24, 2020 through June 16, 2020 (Comment Period Closed).

Project Information


GPA No. 1208 consists of General Plan Land Use Designation and policy updates, generally within the Lakeland Village Policy Area (LVPA), including General Plan Foundation Component changes. This amendment proposes to revise the existing LVPA section of the Elsinore Area Plan to update descriptions, revised existing policy, add new policy, and create Neighborhood planning areas with specific policy that, together with proposed land use changes, can provide direction for the orderly development of the Lakeland Village community, which may include appropriate land use, infrastructure, services, design and character. 


The Project Area includes the LVPA boundary, which is specifically located directly southwest of the Lake Elsinore shoreline and is adjacent to the northeast side of the Santa Ana and Elsinore Mountains, along Grand Avenue generally between State Route 74 (SR-74) and Corydon Road.  The Project Area also includes a few select areas just outside the LVPA boundary to the southwest along the mountain slopes, as shown on the attached exhibits.

Contact Information

Robert Flores, Urban & Regional Planner IV, Project Manager

Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA  92501
(951) 955-1195

[email protected]

MND Documents

Initial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND)

Appendix 1 - Buildout Projection Methodology
Appendix 2 - Proposed LVPA Neighborhoods Policies
Appendix 3 - Traffic Impact Analysis
Appendix 4 - Noise Data