The proposed project (previously known as Mead Valley Commerce Center) consists of applications for a Foundation General Plan Amendment (GPA No. 240005), Change of Zone (CZ 2200062), Plot Plan (PPT 220050), and Tentative Parcel Map No. 38601 (TPM 38601). The applications seek to entitle one industrial warehouse building and a public park within the Mead Valley community of unincorporated Riverside County. The industrial warehouse building would be located at the southwest corner of Seaton Avenue and Cajalco Expressway, between Seaton Avenue and Decker Road. The public park would be located south of the industrial warehouse building on Decker Road. The industrial warehouse building is proposed with 1,003,510 square feet (s.f.) of total building area on ±44.66 net acres. The building is designed to be up to 44 feet tall with 76 loading dock doors positioned on the building’s northern façade and 76 loading dock doors positioned on the building’s southern façade. No loading dock doors would face Seaton Avenue or Decker Road. The public park would occur on ±13.33 net acres and is conceptually designed to include play fields, hard surfaces sport courts, a playground, walking paths, and other amenities. Roadway frontage improvements would occur to Cajalco Expressway, Seaton Avenue, and Decker Road. The General Plan land use designation of the industrial warehouse site is proposed to change from Community Development - Commercial Retail (CD-CR) and Rural Community – Very Low Density Residential (RC-VLDR) to Community Development - Light Industrial (LI) and the existing zoning classification is proposed to change from R-R-1/2 (Residential, half-acre lots) and A-1-1 (Light Agriculture) to I-P (Industrial Park). The General Plan designation of the proposed public park site would change from its existing designation of Rural Community – Very Low Density Residential (RC-VLDR) to Open Space-Recreation (OS-R) and the zoning designation would remain A-1-1 (Light Agriculture). TPM 38601 seeks to consolidate and change the configuration of lot lines and designate public right-of-way for conveyance of public streets to the County.
Project Location
The 64.97-acre Project Site and up to approximately 21.82 acres of off-site Project-related disturbance areas are located within the western region of unincorporated Riverside County within the Mead Valley Area Plan (MVAP). The Project Site comprises two separate properties, generally located at the southwest corner of Cajalco Road and Seaton Avenue. Specifically, the northern 50.04 gross acres of the Project Site are located south of Cajalco Road, west of Seaton Avenue, east of Decker Road, and north of Rider Street. The southern 14.93 gross acres of the Project Site are located both east and west of Decker Road, approximately 185 feet south of the proposed warehouse building Site. The Project Site includes Assessor’s Parcel Numbers (APNs) 317-080-(003 through 008, 013, 014, 019 through 023, and 027 through 029), 317-090-(002 and 008), and 317-090-(003 thru 008).
Comment Period
The 45-day comment period for the EIR is from July 19, 2024 and ends September 3, 2024.
Environmental Impact Report
Plot Plan No. 220050: PPT220050
General Plan Amendment No. 240005: GPA240005
Change of Zone No. 2200062: CZ2200062
Tentative Parcel Map No. 38601: TPM38601
Russell Brady, Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501
(951) 955-3025
[email protected]