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Notice of Availability for Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration

Notice of Availability (NOA) for Mitigated Negative Delcaration (CEQ200078).

Project Information


Building Grading Permit No. 2000010 (BGR2000010) proposes to grade parcel 1 of PM30618.  The grading will consist of a residential pad and driveway for access from Calle Breve.  The total disturbance is 5.01 acres proposing earthwork quantities (volume of dirt to be disturbed) of 5,317 cubic yards cut and 4,625 cubic yards of fill; with compaction of 692 cubic yards resulting in  zero import or export. .


The project site is located in Riverside County, California located North of the intersection of Via Calina and Calle Brave.

Contact Information

Brett Dawson, Project Planner

Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA  92501
(951) 955-0972

[email protected]

Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Documents