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DEIR Temescal Valley Commerce Center SCH No. 2020120546 (CUP200044/GPA200007/CZ2000028)

Draft EIR for the Temescal Valley Commerce Center

Extended Comment Period


The comment period for the Draft EIR has been extended from November 19, 2021-January 3rd  to November 19, 2021-January 17, 2022

Project Information



The Project as evaluated herein consists of applications for a General Plan Amendment (GPA), Change of Zone (CZ), and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow for future development of a 46.16-acre property located east of Temescal Canyon Road and Interstate 15 (I-15), and southeast and southwest of Dawson Canyon Road. Approximately 35.42 acres of the Project site are proposed for development with a 181,495 square-foot (s.f.) last mile delivery station warehouse building with 15 loading dock spaces and associated parking areas for passenger vehicles, vans, and truck trailers, as well as vehicle maintenance areas. Approximately 1.35 acres in the northern corner of the Project site would be dedicated to the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) Reserve System for long-term conservation. Additionally, as part of the Project the Coldwater Canyon Wash drainage channel would be realigned from the western Project site boundary to the southeastern Project site boundary on approximately 5.70 acres of the Project site. As part of the Project, approximately 3.23 acres would be dedicated for the realignment of Temescal Canyon Road along the southwestern boundary of the Project site, with the realigned roadway extending southeasterly along the southwestern Project site boundary and southwest towards I-15. The realigned segment of Temescal Canyon Road along the southwest Project boundary is expected to be extended to the south in the future by others. Approximately 0.46 acre in the northern portion of the site would be dedicated as right-of-way for the northwest/southeast-aligned portion of Dawson Canyon Road. Access to the site is proposed via two driveways along the realigned Temescal Canyon Road, two driveways along the southwest/northeast-aligned portion of Dawson Canyon Road, and two driveways along the northwest/southeast-aligned portion of Dawson Canyon Road. 

PROJECT LOCATION: The 46.16-acre Project site that is the subject of this EIR is located within the Temescal Canyon portion of unincorporated Riverside County, east of Interstate 15 (I-15), south of State Route 91 (SR 91), and northwest of State Route 74 (SR 74).

Contact Information


Phayvanh Nanthvongdouangsy, Project Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA  92501
(951) 955-6573

[email protected]

DEIR Files

Draft EIR (PDF) 

Draft EIR Appendices
A-NOP and NOP Comments


-Letters (Tsai, DFW, NAHC, BBG KRG, IEBA)
B1-Air Quality Impact Analysis

B2-Health Risk Assessment

C1-Bio Res Tech Rpt

C2-MSHCP Consistency Analysis



C5-CWC Realign Riparian Hab Eval

D-Cultural Res Assess

E-Energy Analysis

F-Geotech Invest

G-Greenhouse Gas Analysis

H1-Phase I ESA

H2-Phase II ESA

I-Prelim Hydro Study

I2-Prelim WQMP

J-Noise Study

K1-VMT Analysis

K2-Traffic Analysis

K3-Supplemental Traffic Assessment

L-Water-Sewer Availability Letters

M-Temescal GP Consistency Analysis