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    Riverside County’s existing General Plan land use policies for most of the Winchester Community Plan area are articulated primarily through the Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan. The County’s existing General Plan land use policies for the southwestern portion of the community, specifically that area located between Briggs and Leon Roads, and between Newport and Scott Roads, are primarily articulated through the Sun City/Menifee Valley Area Plan. Both Area Plans were adopted in 2003, as part of the new countywide General Plan adopted at that time in conjunction with the Riverside County Integrated Project.

    Several important planning studies and actions have taken place in recent years that have facilitated the proposed Winchester Community Plan, including the Winchester Land Use Study, the Riverside County 2021-2029 Housing Element (of the General Plan), and Caltrans’ Record of Decision regarding the preferred route of the Highway 79 realignment project,

    The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) concluded several years of studies and environmental reviews as it signed its Record of Decision establishing Highway 79 Realignment Project Alternative “1br” as its preferred alternative for the highway realignment project, as it moves forward. Project Alternative “1br” would realign and widen Highway 79 throughout the Community Plan area to a limited-access, four-lane expressway. This project would provide improved circulation and traffic capacity to accommodate growth in Winchester and surrounding communities.

    Project Information

    The proposed general plan amendment for Winchester (GPA No. 1207) would amend the Riverside County General Plan by:

    1.  Expanding the Winchester Policy Area from approximately 287 acres to approximately 23,153 acres of land within the General Plan’s Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan.
    2.  Amending the boundaries of the General Plan’s Harvest Valley/Winchester, Sun City/Menifee, and Southwest Area Plans so that the proposed Winchester Policy Area falls within the limits of the Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan only.
    3.  Revising land use designations within the new Winchester PA, including Foundation Component amendments. Those land use changes that are not considered Foundation Component amendments would include changes from Rural Residential and Estate Density Residential to Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential, Commercial Retail, Business Park, and Light Industrial. Approximately 227 parcels totaling 1,480 acres would require Foundation Component Amendments that include changes from the Rural and Rural Community components to the Community Development component. Consistency zoning revisions would occur in the future for approximately 921 parcels as a result of the revised land use designations proposed as part of the project and are analyzed as part of this EIR.
    4. Amending the General Plan's Harvest Valley/Winchester Area Plan, Southwest Area Plan, San Jacinto Valley Area Plan, and Sun City/Menifee Area Plan to remove the existing Highway 79 Policy Area.  This policy will be replaced with a fee on newly entitled dwelling units (not dwelling units already entitled, to fund mobility related improvements, such as but not limited to, a vehicle park-n-ride and transit station within the Winchester downtown core area. The removal of the Highway 79 Policy Area will be carried throughout the General Plan document, where necessary for internal consistency. The Highway 79 Policy Area boundary includes approximately 50,061 acres. Additionally, revisions to several policies within the Area Plans to address the transition from level of service (LOS) to vehicle miles travelled (VMT) thresholds in environmental assessment such as this document. 

      The project also proposes the creation of new Design Guidelines for the Winchester Policy Area. 

    Project Status

    The Winchester Community Plan (WCP) project was presented to the Board of Supervisors (BOS) at their regular scheduled publicly noticed meeting on October 22, 2024. The BOS received a presentation from County staff and heard public testimony before voting unanimously (5-0) to continue the project off-calendar.

    The project is expected to continue the review process and is expected to begin the public hearing process in the third quarter of 2025.  Any updates to the status of the project or public hearing dates will be posted on this webpage. 

    Public Hearings: 

    Future public hearings will be re-noticed in compliance with County of Riverside requirements including mailing to stakeholders and residents consistent with the public hearing noticing for the October 22,  2024 BOS meeting. 



    Project Documents

    Background Documents

    Proposed Land Use Map

    Click here for the interactive map:

    Winchester Map

    Community Meetings and Public Hearings

    Get involved! The Riverside County Planning Department is conducting periodic public meetings to inform the community about the status of this project and to receive public input.

    Community Meetings

    Community Workshop No. 1 - May 11, 2017

    Community Workshop No. 2 - September 14, 2017

    Community Workshop No. 3 - February 8, 2018

    Community Workshop No. 4 - October 11, 2018

    Community Meeting No. 1 - April 14, 2022

    Planning Commission: Discussion Item / Workshop - June 5, 2024

    Community Meeting No. 2 - June 13, 2024

    Community Meeting No. 3 - August 8, 2024

    City of Menifee: City Council Meeting - September 4, 2024

    Planning Commission: Public Hearing - September 18, 2024

    Board of Supervisors: Public Hearing - October 22, 2024


    Francis Domenigoni Community Center
    32665 Haddock Street, Winchester, CA 92596

    County of Riverside Administrative Center
    Board Chambers - 1st Floor
    4080 Lemon St, Riverside, CA 92501

    Project Contacts

    Paul Swancott, Project Manager

    Phone: (951) 955-3103
    Email: [email protected]

    Richard Marshalian, Principal Planner

    Phone: (951) 955-9294
    Email: [email protected]