What is a Short-Term Rental?
A short-term rental (STR) unit is a legal privately-owned residential dwelling, which is rented for occupancy for dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes for any period less than 30 consecutive calendar days total, but not less than two consecutive days and one night. An STR may include any accessory dwelling unit (ADU), junior ADU, second unit, guest quarter, or ranchette unit not otherwise prohibited by state law.
What is Not a Short-Term Rental?
A property owner wishing to obtain a short-term rental (STR) is prohibited from using their property as a hotel, bed and breakfast inn, or a motel. Additionally, STRs shall not use their property for commercial purposes and venue activities such as weddings, wedding receptions, concerts, festivals, and large parties exceeding maximum occupancy unless a correct permit has been acquired for the event. Furthermore, STR properties using recreational vehicles, yurts, tents, treehouses, and any other non-habitable structure is prohibited from obtaining a permit.
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Short-Term Rental Tier 2 Application Closed
Tier 2 application period is currently closed.
To keep up to date on the latest news, please register for our department’s newsletter at https://planning.rctlma.org/.
Tier 2 Timeline:

Deckard's Short-Term Rental Public Portal Map
Coming soon: Deckard's Short-Term Rental Public Portal Map will be posted to this website.
Amended ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors formally adopted new rules for the County’s Short-Term Rental ordinance that would include caps on new short-term rentals in Idyllwild and Wine Country; and add age and capacity limits; create density and distance requirements of short-term rentals; ownership limits, and a lottery system for allowing new short-term rentals in each area when there is capacity. The new rules take effect on Jan. 11, 2024.
Applications for new short-term rentals in the areas that were under the moratorium are not yet being accepted. The County will open the Tier 1 application period on February 1, 2024. The application window will be open for 90 days. Once the 90-day period has concluded, the County will begin making determinations on the requests. Fifteen days in advance of the application window opening, the Planning Department will publish instructions on how to apply and what is required on our website and social media channels.
Short-Term Rental Tier 1 Application Closed
The Tier 1 Application period closed at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1. The Riverside County Planning Department will review all Tier 1 applications received to verify whether applications meet Tier 1 requirements in accordance with Ordinance 927.2. Only qualified Tier 1 applications shall have the opportunity to be selected as eligible properties. If the number of qualified Tier 1 qualified applications received exceeds the Tier 1 Cap, the County shall implement a stand-alone lottery to select eligible properties up to the Tier 1 Cap. If any of the eligible properties does not meet all the application requirements, then the County shall not issue a Short-Term Rental Certificate for that property.
Frequently Asked Questions - STR Ordinance 927.2
How do I apply for an STR certificate?
Email [email protected] to verify eligibility.
What is a Short-Term Rental certificate
A Short-Term Rental certificate is a certificate that allows the use of a privately owned residential dwelling as as short-term rental pursuant to Ordinance 927. Click here to view an example.
How much does an STR certificate cost?
- Initial application fee: $740
- Annual renewal fee: $540
Who do I contact for assistance with my application?
Please email [email protected].
What is a TOT certificate and where do I get one?
Visit this link to the County Treasurer-Tax Collector for the Transient Occupancy Tax Form. A Transient Occupancy Tax Certificate outlined in Ordinance 495 is a vital document for businesses involved in short-term rentals, ensuring they are legally recognized and compliant with the County of Riverside tax regulations. Click here to view an example of the TOT Certificate.
How do I request an STR inspection?
Email [email protected] to request an inspection.
Why Is my renewal certificate unavailable even though my renewal fee was paid?
- Active or pending code enforcement cases.
- Code enforcement action within the past twelve months.
- Incomplete self-certification form.
What do I do if my permit expired?
In the event that a STR certificate has been expired for 90-days or more, a new initial application and initial registration fee must be initiated. Email [email protected].
Can I apply for an STR certificate for a property I intend to purchase?
No, a property owner must provide proof of ownership.
Can I transfer my STR certificate with the sale of the property?
No, STR certificates are non-transferable as they do not run with the land.
Where do I post my STR identification sign? What are the sign requirements?
The STR sign must be in a location that is readily and clearly visible from the public view and state the information in lettering that can be easily read. The size of the sign must measure two square feet by area or one foot by two feet in size.

What is the allowed occupancy for short-term rentals in Temecula Wine Country?

What is the allowed occupancy for my short-term rental?
Occupancy is determined by the size of the property (acerage) and the district.
Outside Wine Country, the occupancy limits are:
1/2 acre or less = 10
1/2acre to 2 acres = 16 (self-cert)
2+ acres - 20 (self-cert)
How do I close my STR account?
- Complete and submit a request account closure form.
- Be advised, once the account has closed payments are non-refundable.
Information for STR Renters and Operators
Occupancy is determined by the size of the property (acerage) and the district.
Outside Wine Country, the occupancy limits are:
1/2 acre or less = 10
1/2acre to 2 acres = 16 (self-cert)
2+ acres - 20 (self-cert)
Click here to see occupancy limits for Wine Country.
- An STR shall comply with Riverside County Ordinance 847, Including quiet hours between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. Any sound that is increased by any amplified equipment or that is electronically enhanced, must comply with provisions of County of Riverside Ordinance 847.
- An STR shall comply with Riverside County Ordinance 924, related to loud or unruly parties, gatherings, or other similar events.
Adequate on-site parking required.
Age restrictions
Responsible guests must be at least 25 years old in the Wine Country District.
Outside of Wine Country Districts, responsible guests must be at least 21 years old.
To hold events at an STR property, you must first contact the County of Riverside Planning Department at (951) 955-3200.
Response time required
The responsible operator for the STR shall be responsible for correcting the violation promptly, which includes 60 minutes, contacting the responsible guest to correct the violation and visiting the site, if necessary, to ensure the violation has been corrected
Good Neighbor Video
Contact Us
For inquiries regarding Short-Term Rentals, please email [email protected] or contact (951) 955-3200.
For inquiries regarding Short-Term Rental inspections, email [email protected] or contact (951) 955-2004.
Riverside Office
County Administrative Center
4080 Lemon Street, 12th Floor
Riverside, CA 92502-1605
(951) 955-3200