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Trails at Corona Specific Plan

Notice of Preparation for The Trails at Corona Specific Plan
Notice of Preparation (NOP) for an Environmental Impact Report to consider the impacts of General Plan Amendment No. 1174, Specific Plan No. 397, Change of Zone No. 1800014, Tentative Tract Maps No. 37501, 37502, 37503 and 37504, and Tentative Parcel Map 37519.  (City of Corona application No. 37500)


See the link below to access documents related to the NOP:

Notice of Preparation


Comment Period


The comment period for the Notice of Preparation is from July 24, 2018 to August 27, 2018.

Scoping Session

A public scoping session will be held to accept comments from responsible agencies and the public about the scope and content of the EIR on Tuesday August 7, 2018, at 1:00 pm, at County Administrative Center, Board Chambers, Location First Floor, 4080 Lemon Street, Riverside, CA 92501

Video from the scoping session can be found here:


Project Information



The project site comprises approximately 104.8 acres, of which approximately 79.9 acres are within the County of Riverside’s jurisdiction and approximately 24.9 acres are within the City of Corona’s jurisdiction.  The project applicant proposes a mixed-use community, including open space with parks and trails, residential areas of various densities, and retail.  The project proposes various access points from Serfas Club Drive, Pine Crest Drive, Paseo Grande, and Kirkwood Drive.  

The proposed project is divided into six Planning Areas, five of which are within the County of Riverside; multiple Planning Areas contain open space in the form of parks and trails open to the entire community.  Additionally, Planning Areas 3,  4, and 5 are to be designed to accommodate age-restricted (55+) homes.

The following residential uses are proposed in each planning area:

·         Planning Area 1: 67 single-family residences

·         Planning Area 2: 1 retail/commercial space

·         Planning Area 3: 110 single-family residences, 114 paired-housing residences, and 1 custom lot

·         Planning Area 4: 47 single-family residences

·         Planning Area 5: 31 single-family residences

·         Planning Area 6 (City of Corona): 56 single-family residences


As noted above, each planning area contains open space in the form or parks and trails open to the general public.  Parks could include walking, running and biking trails, tot lots, active sport courts, or dog parks.  Park benches and large greenspaces could also be provided for passive recreation.  The parks would serve the purpose of water quality clean up from storm and residential run-off, cleaning water before it percolates into the ground or enters the storm drain system.  Additionally, some park areas will serve as detention basins, providing protection to the  proposed project and nearby residential areas from potential flooding.

Environmental Issues: CEQA Guidelines Section 15063 provides that if a Lead Agency determines that an EIR will clearly be required for a project, an Initial Study is not required.  The EIR that will be prepared for the proposed project is a full-scope EIR, including all of the CEQA Guidelines Appendix G topical issue areas.  Potential impacts associated with environmental resource areas that will be analyzed in the EIR include those listed below.  A full-scope EIR is proposed, so there are no environmental topics that have been screened out or that are potentially less than significant.

· Aesthetics

· Land Use/Planning

· Agriculture and Forestry Resources

· Mineral Resources

· Air Quality

· Noise

· Biological Resources

· Population and Housing

· Cultural Resources

· Public Services

· Geology/Soils

· Recreation

· Greenhouse Gas Emissions

· Transportation/Traffic

· Hazards and Hazardous Materials

· Tribal Cultural Resources

· Hydrology/Water Quality

· Utilities/Service Systems


The EIR will address the short-term and long-term effects of the proposed project on the environment.  The EIR will also evaluate the potential for the proposed project to cause direct and indirect growth-inducing impacts, as well as cumulative impacts.  Alternatives to the proposed project that may reduce impacts determined to be significant in the EIR will be evaluated.  Mitigation measures will be proposed for those impacts that are determined to be significant.  A mitigation monitoring program will also be developed as required by Section 15097 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines.




The proposed Trails of Corona Specific Plan (Project) is located on the former Mountain View Golf Course, south of State Route 91 and generally west of Avenida Del Vista and east of Serfas Club Drive, in both Unincorporated Riverside County and the City of Corona (see Exhibit 1, Regional Location Map and Exhibit 2, Local Vicinity Map).

The project site comprises approximately 104.8 acres, of which approximately 79.9 acres are within the County of Riverside’s jurisdiction and approximately 24.9 acres are within the City of Corona’s jurisdiction.  The County of Riverside portion of the site is located within the unincorporated community of Coronita.  The site is currently vacant and has been vacant since the closing of the Mountain View Golf Course in 2009.  The City of Corona surrounds the site to the north, east, south, and west; however, the site is connected to and adjacent to the County of Riverside unincorporated communities of Green River and Prado Basin.  The site has regional access via State Route 91.  The Assessor Parcel Numbers for the project site are 102‑050-003, 102-050-004, 102-050-008, 102-112-008, 103-113-015, 102-160-003, 102‑203-007, 102-192-017, and 103-301-010 within the County of Riverside, and 103-020-007, 103-020-008, 103-020-009, 103-020-010, and 103-020-011 within the City of Corona.

This EIR shall analyze all impacts associated with the proposed project, including impacts generated through development of the portion of the propose project within the jurisdiction of the City of Corona.  Thus, it is contemplated that the City of Corona may rely upon this EIR, if completed and certified by the County of Riverside, in connection with any project approvals sought by the project applicant.


Contact Information

Steve Jones, Principal Planner
Riverside County Planning Department
4080 Lemon St., 12th Floor
Riverside, CA  92501

[email protected]

Please use the special email created for this project: [email protected]