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Thermal Community Plan (GPA210110)

The Thermal Community Plan


On September 15, 2021, the Riverside County Board of Supervisors authorized the preparation of a new Thermal Community Plan through General Plan Amendment (GPA) No. 210110. Riverside County's existing General Plan land use policies for most of this area are articulated primarily through the Eastern Coachella Valley Area Plan. Both area plans were adopted in 2003, as part of the new countywide General Plan adopted at that time in conjunction with the Riverside County Integrated Project. 

This community planning effort in the unincorporated areas of the County balances land use planning with other complimentary community components, such as housing, transportation, natural resources, infrastructure, the environment, community character, needs, constraints, and opportunities.

The Planning Department proposed to evaluate the current land use plan and policies that govern over and guide development within the unincorporated community of Thermal; and propose changes that will refine the area’s land-use plan and policies, in accordance to existing land use patterns, anticipated growth, community needs, environmental justice (EJ), and current and future infrastructure capacity. The main goals are to facilitate more housing, specifically affordable and special group housing, address infrastructures need, encourage economic development, promote environmental justice, and consider development constraints, circulation, and other unique aspects of the community, including addressing disparities and health and safety concerns.

In order to achieve the goals of the amendment, the following project components are anticipated:

  1. Robust Community Outreach;
  2. Creation of a new policy area, with focus on housing, development, infrastructure, EJ, promoting the downtown area and creating vibrant and diverse areas within the community;
  3. Updates to the land use plan, which may include Foundation Component changes;
  4. Update any other portion of the General Plan to create consistency and support the proposed community plan;
  5. Conduct an Environmental Review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and
  6. Conduct the require Public Hearings for adoption of the Community Plan. 

Key Dates and Information

  1. 9/21/2021 Board of Supervisors Meeting - Project Initiation - Agenda - Action Item - Form 11 Staff Report

Thermal Community Boundary

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